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Strength and Stamina

This month we are focusing on muscles and strength. Muscle fibers help to give our bodies structure and serve as plaster to help support and protect our bones, so they give our body its appearance. The muscular system accounts for almost half of the weight of our bodies. In Ayurveda, we call this tissue system Mamsa Dhatu and it consists of the skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscles.  Mamsa dhatu is made from the earth, water, and fire elements, while the air element inspires its movement. 

When considering the earth and water elements, remember that they give structure, and like the Kapha dosha, they have sticky, dense, slow, and heavy qualities. The fire element, like Pitta dosha has sharp, hot, penetrating, and light qualities, and the air element, like Vata dosha has mobile, fast, unpredictable, and dry qualities. These qualities are important to remember when we are contemplating ways that we can keep our muscles healthy and nourished. Four ways we can do this are:

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